Monday, May 7, 2018

The S.S. Pelican is floating just fine..........

A wonderful weekend with 2 of my kids, sister, and brother-in-law, spent in Hilton Head! We were lucky enough to charter this boat and take a cruise along the island, by ourselves. It was sunny, my son was able to steer the boat for awhile, we saw dolphins, and it was just an awesome time!

I am a perfect example of getting stuck in a rut type of person. Work. Home life. Repeat.

I would like to say I planned this trip because I wanted to change it up and get out of my rut. But I can't. My 2 older boy's planned a guys weekend with their dad and cousin. So, I just took their idea and ran with it.

It was much needed R & R!! Something about being with great company and the ocean brings me such peace within, that I really don't know why I forget that. I believe we all do forget what brings us that inner peace from time to time.

I was reminded that we need to remember who we are, what makes us silly and stress free, and what brings us, that inner peace from time to time. That is how we float through life.

It is funny how we can get the money together, make the time, or do things we "need" to do, to survive our day to day living, but we can gather just as many excuses, NOT to do the things we should truly spend our time doing.

Balancing the boat of life isn't that hard. I trick myself into believing that I have achieved balance between work and home life, that I am fine. I am just burnt out from working or I need to get more sleep, or whateva it is that makes me believe that I am floating through life just fine.

Right? Sound familiar? Yeah, you're not the only one who is slowly sinking.

It may not have been my idea to get away, but I did get away and it was a totally great reminder for me to have fun.

What will it take for you to plan an adventure? Doesn't have to be a weekend get away.

It can be something simple.

You may be thinking, nope not me. I am floating, rather well, thank you.

Don't wait for a boat ride to figure out that you do not have balance in life.....

it is what causes boats to sink. (too corny? Oh well, I can be)

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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