Saturday, May 12, 2018

Walk Alone....

I am exhausted. It has been a wicked long week at work. Short staffed, means long work days for me.

It got to me this week. I kinda questioned everything that I have been working for up to this point, career wise. Ya know?

I am the strong one. The one that has the answers. And I let it get to me.

The doubts, frustration of the system, and let my tiredness, over take my thoughts.

I saw this quote. I spoke with my bff.

I get it now. It is ok to have a set back. To question what the hell we are doing, from time to time.

I lost sight of the bigger picture for me.

I forgot that there are going to be good days and bad days. Even when there seems to be many bad days in a row.

Bad days end. Cycles run themselves through and life goes on.

Nobody has the same exact walk. Nobody.

Nobody gets the same result.

We are all unique.

We are walking towards something.

How we get there, will be different for us all.

We learn differently.

So, if you are in a cycle, just remember that,

this IS your journey. Only, You, alone, can do it.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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