Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I was told my vagina looked good......

Where else does one get to sit, wait, and be extremely aware of their body image? The doctors office. That is where.

We should embrace the image we see in the mirror. Grey? Red head? No wrinkles? Wrinkles? get the point.

I was at the obgyn office today. Yeah, that exam..

Well, I was told that, my vagina and surrounding area looked good.


I was like, what?

Then a part of me was like, yeah, you know it, and then I was like...Wait....What??!!

So on the drive home I was thinking about the saying, "Beauty is only skin deeep."

Then, why do we mainly used that perspective to decide how beautiul we are???!!

Why do we forget about our inside? Why do we allow ourselves to be judged by outter beauty?

It gives us an extra pep in our step when we get that compliment.

It has to stop. We cannot expect society to change our judgement of beauty, if we continually support it.

Stop liking peoples selfies, stop complementing the person in the outfit, and start saying, who you are is what makes you a beautiful person.

Stop asking, "Do I look good?"

We need to be focused on our actions and how they make us feel. When true beauty shines within us, is when it is seen by others.

Stop the perspective, with the action of change.

The next time you look in the mirror, look deeply. Past the clothes and skin.

A good person, IS, the most beautiful person in the world.

Shouldn't that be our societal perspective??

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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