Monday, June 4, 2018

I am not a cranky bitch......

We are all guilty of having illusions.

Thoughts or ideas, that we want to happen a certain way, that thought, becomes our illusion.

The dictionary defines an illusion as:

"a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived"

Regardless, what the circumstances are, we want this illusion to be so real that, we simply lose sight of what is not real. It is more than wanting things to turn out the way we want. It is believing things are how we want.

Our reasoning, more than likely, stems from a place of good. 

I think that is why we get so sadden when the reality sets in and we can no longer deny what we envisioned, is non-existent.

Time makes us wiser. A little bit less hopeful and a lot more realistic.

I think it is sad. Period. Another thing to get over and deal with.

Another lesson in life that we must learn from.

We have the choice to continue to live in a fake world filled with illusions or Keep it real.

Keeping , "Life" real, can make us happy.

Life is harsh. It doesn't always work out the way we want it to.

I wanted this to happen turns into, this should of happened.

I am tired of getting the short end of the stick.

Screw you, this is not fair. Next thing you know, you are a cranky bitch.

Let it go. Easier said than done, I know.

I also know that it can be done. It can be done.

I would rather be sad for a few moments of my life, than let it turn me into something I am not. No life is not fair all the time.

We choose to be a realist, who accepts life as it is. OR

We choose to be an illusionist who is a cranky bitch.

It is your life.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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