Saturday, January 27, 2018

It's Saturday night and I am taking a bath.....

Back in November I was involved in a car accident. I was injured. Not life threatening but injured

So, after 2 months being on steroids my doc decided physical therapy was the next chance for me to get back to being me.

I go to therapy, do my homework, and now I am being told that I need to get my muscles, deep inside, to relax more. In addition to my homework, which consists of smaller exercises that I do at the rehab place, I now have to take a bath in pink Himalayan mineral salt and essential oils. My therapist explains to me about the importance of magnesium is to our bodies and the healing process. Blah blah my mind starts to drift off.....

I already make time to do these home exercises. When am I going to take a 20 minute bath?  I take 8 minute showers daily. (My kids timed me once) I start running through this weeks to-do-list and try to figure out when I can actually do this.

Then it hits me. If it were one of my kids or someone I cared deeply for, I would make sure they did it. So, I will just add it to my list.

Fast forward to tonight. I am in my prescribed bath, trying to relax, deeply. My mind wonders. Why do we put ourselves last?  Why do we let "things" get in our way? Why does it take something big to happen in our lives, to make us focus on what needs our attention? Why?

I don't have an answer but I do know it is why I am taking a bath on Saturday Night and relaxing deeply.

And perhaps it is as simple as that. We need the big moments to stop us in our tracks, in order to make us pause.

Otherwise, we wouldn't.

Until next time,
~It is what it is ~

Saturday, January 20, 2018

I interrupt your morning.......

Due to age and health issues, I am that person who has to watch what I eat and has to exercise, to maintain a reasonable healthy body mass for me.

The two things on this list, that I consider to be rather devastating are, CHOCOLATE and BREAD. I love dark chocolate and bread.

Why are the things we love, so, so, so bad for us??!!! My body could not survive on chocolate or bread alone. Could it???

I get the whole being healthy is best for us.

I think there is way too much emphasis put on what we look like and what our size is to be considered healthy.

Like who asked the world to but in my personal life??

People praise you when you loose weight. But when you are overweight (btw, the government decided this a long time ago, the government) you get that "voice" of sympathy, but you have a pretty face or your personality doesn't match your body image. More blah blah.

So, yes, when I see things like this, it just totally pisses me off. Even Weight Watchers allows you to eat these things.

Do what you need to be healthy for you. No one gets to put pressure on you about what You should look like. Not. A. One.

I will not lecture you on what size you need to be. You get to decide what makes you happy.

But please do not deprive yourself on what you love. Find your balance between food and exercise that puts you feeling energetic, happy, and at peace when you look in the mirror.

Now, if you don't mind, I am going back to scrolling facebook, drinking coffee, and eating some, dark chocolate covered almonds.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Lessons need to be learned. It sucks.

Be honest with yourself! I get it. I really do
It is hard to admit when something doesn't work out they way we thought or envisioned. We have to take a hard look and admit that this is not working out because of me.

That's right. Take the blame. Once you accept that, you are where you should not be, that is when your life starts to fall into place.

You can be right but in the wrong place. It will never work. It is NOT them or the place, it is you.

Not everyone belongs where they think they do.

You're not wrong. You are just in the wrong place.

So, reset your clock and start going in the right direction.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, January 8, 2018

Be Badass......

We all have ideas of what we want to be when we grow up.  Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Lawyer, Garbage Collector, Mechanic, Husband, Wife, Mom and etc. Sometimes, when we have to pick a career or what life we want, we are at a loss or go for the one with the most money.

I believe that we all have a purpose. A specific role to fill. Each just as important as another. We all need various types of careers in this world to make it run. Not one job is more important than another. 

Not. A. One. 

We need to listen to our Soul, Conscience, Gut, or whatever you believe it to be for you. That “Knowing” you get when you choose the right thing for you. I think when we find what our passion is and go with that, we become Badass.  

Think about it. We have a purpose. We know when we are doing what we are meant to do. “Things” just fall into place. Doors open. Doors Close. We get sent in the direction we are supposed to go. It is up to us to recognize it and follow it.

As a kid, no problem. As an adult, well, we tend to think We know everything about everything.  The adult, in us, realizes that the real world is a lot harder to make a living that we are passionate about.

Forget what we know. Take time to think about what we want. What we are willing to accept and not. We may have to do things we may not like, to get what we want. Be open to all the possibilities. Connect with our souls. Find out who we are really meant to be. Meditate, seek advice from someone who will tell you the truth(good and Bad), accept what your flaws are and develop them into strengths.

You can always tell the ones that are following their passion and purpose in life.

They are the ones that look like a,

True. Real. Badass.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, January 5, 2018

I need a Playdate, Please..........

I went to Target today, to grab a few things that I needed. I took the time to look around. I found four emojicon stuffies on clearance. Score! We all loved the movie. I have four kids, perfect! I get the rest of my things and off I go. Kids liked them.

After dinner I see them on the couch and start playing with Jailbreak, High Five, and Poop. Yes. I said playing. Voices and all. I am in my own world having fun. One of my son's said to me, "Mom, stop, Please." Another son said, "Mom, give me my poop back, please. Now." That son didn't' even laugh at what he said!! Seriously?!!

In my defense, I might have been teasing him with Jailbreak, but I can't exactly remember because I was so disappointed that I had to stop playing. I mean, c'mon. I was makin jokes, being silly, and having fun. In that moment, when I was asked to stop, it was like I was the kid and my kids were acting like the parent.

I got over it. I also realized that, in the time that I was "playing", I was having fun. Something that I do not get to do often with my kids anymore. We used to play all the time. It seems like it was yesterday. We had hot wheels tracks set up all over the house. Mr. Potato Head's at the ready, Lego's, and so much more. I do play with my kids now but it is not the same as when they were little.

My oldest will be 21 in a few days. He is into video games, that I am not into. He has friends and a job now. As does the 19yrd old. I still have two other teens that do not have jobs but they have interests and friends.  We do all get together and play a board game once in awhile but it seems less and less these days.

I MISS PRETEND PLAYING!!!! LOL Maybe it is just me but it was FUN.

Why don't adults play like they did when they were kids? Why?

I think we should have Adult Kid Themed Playdates. Just think how much fun it would be to play as a kid now?? Play-Doh, hide n seek, hot wheels cars, and The Nerf Wars would be legendary!!!

I know they have adult coloring books and places where you can drink and play cards or board games now.

Society is definitely going in the right direction with this idea.

We need to keep going though. We need to keep having playdates as we grow into adulthood.

Nap times.
Snack times too.

Until Next time,
~It is what it is~