Tuesday, June 20, 2017

No, we don't.

I think, "Chapters that are not read out loud, gives us the most personal growth."

I think it is safe to say that we all have a, "Young and I was way too stupid chapter."
You know, the time when we think that we are indestructible, knowing everything that there is possibly to know about life, stage. So, So, glad I survived that!!!

No, I am talking about the real chapters of life. The ones when we think we truly have life figured out and what we really want from it.

The Chapter--"The Love Story that, well, was more of a horror story." Or, how we may have let, "The one that got away story", but in reality taught us what we needed to know about Love, how we want to be Loved, and how to Love others, earnestly.

The Chapter--"Dear God, What Was I Thinking By Doing That?!" Enough. Said.

The Chapter--"I will just blend in and be like everyone else." The safety zone. You don't try new things, you give way more than you receive, you do what you need to do, nothing more and nothing less.That, Less, is in fact, more. This is a tricky chapter.  It may also teach us that we don't  want more from life or that we have in fact, settled for Life. Sometimes, it is hard to know the difference.

The Chapter--"I Do Not Recognize Myself." When you want more, but what you are currently doing, is not working for you. So, you change and become this other being, entirely. Act in a way, that is simply not the real you. Things that were never important to you, suddenly mean the world to you. You, hopefully, snap out of it one day. This teaches us, what we really are passionate for, what limits become limitless for us, and you learn, that you never really had to change who you were to begin with. The full acceptance of you.

Regardless, what kind of or how many chapters, "That you do not read out Loud" you have, embrace all of them. They are the Best Chapters of your life.

 It is what makes you Unique, Special and Different from others.

Do we really need to read out loud every chapter in our lives?

No, we don't.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


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