Monday, May 29, 2017

Don't Go......

I had to travel for work this week. One of my adult sons had sent me this text after I told him that I would be going, while sitting next to me!!

It was a bittersweet moment for me.

He is starting his adult life this summer and will soon be leaving me.

I am the one who wants to scream DON'T GO!!!

I have been preparing him for this moment his whole life.

I am torn. I cannot wait to see what kind of Man he will become. I want him to have life changing experiences. I want him to have adventures. I want him to have a full life.

But it only seems like yesterday, that I held him for the first time. I can remember his little arms giving me the biggest hugs. The excitement of seeing something for the first time.  I am dumbfounded how quickly 18 years has gone by.

I enjoy the adult chats we now have, as much as I did reading to him when he was 5.

I went through the same thing with my first child. No, it doesn't get any easier.

We close one chapter of our lives to start a new one. We were actually talking about this the day of his graduation.

Each chapter changes us and that is how we grow up. We are constantly learning.

If we are one of the fortune ones, we will always have those that truly love us around us and...

We will neva have to say, "Don't Go".

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, May 22, 2017


Something just like this......

To be a feeling of going back home.

Little moments build the foundation.

Forgiveness, given in a heartbeat.

A sense of being completely independent.

A sense of being whole.

Truths freely spoken.

Those annoying little things become a comfort in time.

Love does not need a shiny white horse, a cape, or a mask of heroics.

Love does not need sparkly jewels.

Simple. Fluid. Easy.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, May 15, 2017

Eventually, Everything comes to light.......

Misery loves company. Some people don't get what they want and feel that those that (they think)  are beneath them, should be miserable too. They can appear to be smart, funny, and oh so ever charming, that they suck you right in. They will act like your friend and pretend to be on your side. Next thing you know they are your bff and life is great, until it isn't.

What you don't know or choose to ignore the little red flags, is that they are already making your life miserable. You can try to confront them but it won't work. You can only tell them what they want to hear, they won't believe anything else anyways. They will give you some sob story about their life and try to make you feel like your the wrong one, not them.

Bottom line, people like that, do not know how to be a friend to anyone. They chose a long time ago to be a miserable person.  So, say what you have to say. Lie if you have to. Give them what they want to hear. You know they are repeating what you are saying anyways. Do what you have to do to make them go away.

Most important thing to remember is that, they chose you because they are jealous of who you are and what you have.

Do not play with them. You will not change them. You. Will. Not. Change. Them.

You will lose each and every time.

Time will catch up to them.

Leave it in the Dark where it belongs, for now.

Eventually, Everything comes to light.....

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Buckle up, you're gonna need something.....

Difficult roads are the freaking worst!!! You set out to obtain something only to find out that it is way more involved than you ever thought possible.

For every struggle we overcome, we think we are able to handle anything else that may come our way....until the road takes us up another hill.

There are days when we want to throw in the towel and just say, "I am Done."

Done. Done. Done. We will accept the blame for it all. Play the pity card but not let anyone know.

I suppose we could move and assume a new life. Start fresh. Leave it all behind. Or is that considered "Running Away"?

I kinda like that thought. Pick who we want to run away with. Where we want to live. Do what we want, when we want. No "Difficult Roads" to travel. Period. Eva!!!

What? Looking for the words of inspiration here? Looking for the dark days will end speech? The roads are challenging, that is why they are difficult but you will overcome attitude?

Nope. We all have to deal with the difficult roads and follow them to where they lead us.

We need to travel the roads we must. We deal with them as we do. The outcome is part of our life.

My thoughts are pretty simple. Life isn't fair. There will be difficult roads to travel. People will disappoint you. You will not be able to trust anyone.

These difficult roads will show you who is real, worth it, how regrets are made, what dark days are made of, and how strong you really can be.

Difficult Roads are just a part of life. Suck it up, buttercup and be sure to.......

...........Buckle up, you're gonna need something to hold on to. 

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Sunday, May 7, 2017

What are you tied to????

Read that again. Is true for you?

We can get our happiness dependent on things rather than goals.  We can allow our goals to fall by the wayside because we get attached to things or people.

Workwise, we can get attached to people rather than the job itself. The harm in doing this, is we lose sight of what we actually want from the job, and end up caring about feelings instead of our initial goal/our self.

You may think you can keep it separate, right?  Not likely. When we end up caught up in the feels, we tend to form allies with people instead of aligning with our goals. The goal of becoming more than what we initially start out as, now becomes a comfort of where we are, with the people who comfort us. We then start to think like them. If they do not have the same goals as us, we become less than what we are and more like them.  Then they can get the feeling of betrayal, when we snap out of what we are doing and try to refocus on our original goal. We can become friendly with our coworkers but do not let the friendship derail our goals. We don't have to be mean, distant, or superior than others.  We need to realize that we are there for a purpose and not let the location, people, or the work itself, distract us from who we are and what we want to be.

Relationship wise, we can get so attached or infatuated with someone, we can get lost to who we are with who they are. This happens with lovers and friends. We can become a follower without realizing it.  We just go with the flow and excitement of being part of something bigger than us, we forget who we are. We end up doing things that we wouldn't normally do. I call this phase of life, "The party train ride". We follow along and it is all fun and games until we get derailed. Oh, we will get derailed, no doubt. Life has a way of showing us what we are doing when we aren't supposed to be doing it.  It is up to us to recognize the signs before we get derailed. It is okay to try new things, experience life from a new perspective, and grow.  Keeping our own identity in any relationship is a necessity. Feelings are normal, just be sure what you feel will continue to allow you to be you.

Happiness is.... 

Not who you are with.

Not on your surroundings.

Not what you are doing.

Real happiness depends on you.

Your love of people.

What you fill your life with.

Happiness is inside of you, not what you are tied to.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~