Monday, April 24, 2017

Sausalito, California. Circa 1982

"Random Acts of Kindness"

"It all started in a Sausalito, California, restaurant in 1982 when Anne Herbert scrawled the words "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" on a place mat. From there it spread to bumper stickers, quietly at first, but with all the powerful momentum of something important–calling us to lives of caring and compassion. Random Acts of Kindness, true stories of acts of kindness, was published in February 1993 and set off a chain reaction. Articles appeared in nearly every newspaper in the U.S., and hundreds of radio stations devoted airtime to the cause. Toward the end of 1993, a Bakersfield, California, professor gave a class assignment to do a random act of kindness–unleashing yet another flood of stories. The concept continues to spread, and we hope it will carry on until the beauty of simple kindness touches–and changes–us all."

Have you ever thought about the movement of "Random Acts of Kindness" and how it came to be?

Have you ever asked yourself this, Why do we need a movement promoting kindness in the first place?

I know people can be kind.  I can draw a side out of people that is kind, raw, and honest.  I get to see the kindness that is embedded in people, in it's truest form. 

Why do people have to be reminded to be kind to one another? Why?

They are trying to meet their needs and the needs of their family.
They are just trying to get ahead in their careers.
They are just busy going to meetings, games, and gatherings.
They are just exhausted from what their life demands of them.
They are just trying to get financial freedom.
They are just trying to live day to day.
They are too busy keeping their feelings within themselves.
They are just to busy making their life.
They are just to busy taking advantage of others.
They are just to busy scamming others.
They are just to busy wanting what others have, they will do whatever it takes to get it.

I think the world has changed. It is more of a "Out for Me and Mine" kind of world today. People willing to do anything to get what they want. People willing to stab you in the back. People trying to make your life miserable because their life is.

Bad things happen to Good people. People get scammed every day. Fraudulent activity is the norm now-a-days.

I am kind. I have been treated unkindly. People use my kindness for their own gain.

It will never stop me from being kind.

How I act reflects on me. I don't need to be reminded.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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