Sunday, December 25, 2016

Love me some Cadbury Chocolates!!!!!

It truly is the simple and purest gifts that make me feel loved!! Not just this time of year, anytime.

I love to be the giver and know that it's never about the price tag!

We all love it when someone remembers a comment you made at an earlier time about an item you would love to have. A favorite candy or a favorite perfume that we are surprised with. That they remembered that small detail about you, is a statement in  itself.

A gift can be a phone call made, text, social media post, or e-mail sent. Hearing from someone, means that they thought of you. Words given freely, are probably the most intimate personal gift one can give.

I received gifts from my kids and nieces & nephews, they were very thoughtful. It is a prideful thing to receive a gift from someone you will always see as a child and who earned their own money to purchase it, wrap it and be the giver of said gift.

I also received a gift, that I have worked very, very hard for. I can't think of a better time to receive it than when it was given, Christmas Eve.

I always give 2 gifts that my kids receive each and every year, and will do until I can no longer give. A book and a board/card game. A book to grow their imagination and mind. An old fashioned game to bring them together.

I also received this bag of candy from one of my son's, girlfriend. I love, love, love the Cadbury Chocolates they sell at Easter time. She saw this and immediately thought of me.

Isn't that the purpose of gift giving in the first place? A gift that shows you are in fact cared for. That's something you can't put a price tag on.

Wishing all of you a most thoughtful Holiday!!!

Merry Christmas,

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

We are all One.....

Really let the words sink in. We are all human. We all require the same basic things in order to survive.  So what separates us then?  Our Ego's for starters.

Ego--egotism; conceit; self-importance:

When you allow your ego to become bigger than who you are, it changes your way of thinking. You start thinking that you are better than those around you. You are the best. You can do anything. Humility is what you need. Is what will keep us together. We all have talents. Things we excel in. Things that make us, well, us. Does that make you any better than us? No. We are all meant to do what we do. That doesn't give you the right to believe that your talent makes you better than anyone else. Be humble with your talent. Talents were meant to bring people together not separate us.

Beliefs--confidence; faith; trust:

I believe in God. I believe in me. I believe in Fate. I believe in Connections. I trust people. I do not expect you to believe in what I do. We can be friends and have different beliefs. It brings variety into our lives. Embracing different beliefs should teach us respect not separation from others.

Fear--something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension.

Fear of each other is what we feel when we allow our ego's and belief's come between us. We become more isolated or just spend time with those we agree with. How is that living?

So I ask you, Why do we allow our belief's to become so black n white that we cannot even begin to think that we could come to a compromise? Why do we allow our Ego's to take over?

What happened to "Good will towards Men" or "Peace on Earth"?

During one of my mentoring sessions my mentor said to me, "You do not know just how good you really are. You are going to make a difference." I believe I am very good at what I do. I will never think that I am the best. I have gained and lost many things in my lifetime, but I am humble enough to know that only I can do so much and without others, I am nothing.

It is through making a lot of mistakes, losing people, (that I love) and getting knocked down, that I learned how to be humble. I can't change the past but moving forward I can be a better person.

I have learned that in order to find peace or good will towards men, we first must be able to let go of our ego's, letting go of the belief that only our personal belief's are right and not to be afraid of accepting others for who they actually are.

I wish you Peace and Good Will To All.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wish you were here.......

Memories of of our youth and when life seemed easy.

Bringing home your newborn/adopted child.

Those tumultuous years of high school.

The time when you felt like you would conquer the world.

The moment you knew what love was.

Romantic moments that filled your heart.

The moment of loss. Varied reasons for us all, but we all understand.

The moments of laughter that had you laughing uncontrollably.

Those little unexpected moments that brought so much joy n love to you.

That moment you knew would never be erased from your memory.

So many moments in our lives to be grateful for.

Moments that make us want them again.

Time is irreplaceable.

Appreciate the moment.

Time has a way of making us say:

"Wish you were here"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, December 12, 2016

I will breathe......

Ever have one of those days where its just....A Monday.......?

So much can go on in one day that it becomes overwhelming. Leaving you no choice but to just breathe through it.

Many of us wear many hats throughout the day. We are the employee, go to person, friend, teacher, coach, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, us as a person and the list goes on n' on........

On these type of days we may get through it with one breath at a time. We will stop and clear our minds. We will refocus. We will dig down deeper for strength. 

We are not quitters. We are not dreamers. We are realists and will get the job done.

When the day is done, we get to relax and wash away the day. Knowing that we have survived it.

Knowing that whatever comes at us we will deal with it, if we just take a moment to remind ourselves:

That anything is possible if we just stop and


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, December 5, 2016

One day it won't..........

Kell and I are sick chillin on the couch today. She is watching Netflix and I am on the laptop scrolling through Pinterest.  Kell looks over and points to this quote and states that is how she feels about her scoliosis.

It's easy to give her positive support. Help her accept her role in this life. Yes, role. It is not a disability. It is a disfigurement of her spine, not a limitation of what she can do or who she can become. Then she says something like this today.

I realize no matter how much I say, my words will fall short until she comes into her own terms of acceptance of herself, not mine.

Life is all about accepting ones role in it. We need to figure out how we fit in. What we can contribute to life. Something I struggle with constantly.

I know what my role is but sometimes I don't want it.  And when I turn away from it, I become something I don't like. I am not truly happy with myself because I am not doing what I am meant to do. Life doesn't stop putting me in situations to show me, no matter how hard I turn away from it, it will always be there.  Kinda, run all you want, I am going no where and you will not be happy until you pick it up again. Yes, I do pick it up again.

Kell also told me that she looked up scoliosis quotes on her ipad.  She memorized and loves this one:

"Courage doesn't always roar,
Courage can be the voice at the end of the day saying,
I will try again tomorrow."

I take no credit for her. I often question why God gave her to me. She is amazing and graceful in ways that I will never be. I am learning from her, daily.

We will continue on and know that one day, it won't bother us any more.......

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Sunday, December 4, 2016


This is a perfect Sunday in December for me:

Football. Hockey. Home cooked meal. Chillin. Scrabble. Christmas movie. Family. No chores. No work.

It is a day to forget about the week before. Relax and get energized for the week ahead.

Some people spend their Sunday shopping for their holiday, baking, decorating, or preparing meals for the upcoming week ahead. Taking a drive looking at holiday nights in the evening.

It is a perfect day for daydreaming, forgetting about your worries, and making memories.

The other great thing about a Sunday in December means the Monday's are going to end for the year soon! They are the last Monday's of the current year we are in!!! Counting this Monday, we only have 4 more to go!! I personally cannot wait to be done with this year and it's Monday's!!

I do know that Sunday's can be fluid, unique and timeless. I was glad to see this quote and know that I am not the only one who thinks this way.

Whether they are in December, September or April, always enjoy your Sunday's.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~