Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Keep moving forward....

The ACT. Have you really forgiven a person? I mean totally forgot what they have done to you? Or, do you still remember the pain and actions?

To truly forgive means to let it go. To forget the actions that caused the pain.

So much easier said than done. 

Start within yourself.

Acknowledging your action is the first step.

Understanding is the next.

Asking to be forgiven with a sincere heart.

Receiving forgiveness or not.

Now, let it go. Move on.

It won't be the same or it will be better.

Strength, can come from our own vulnerability. 

Waiting for someone to ask you for forgiveness?

You may be waiting a long time.

Acceptance of the situation. Really look clearly at the facts. Take out the emotions.

Realize that you may not be as important as you thought to that person or your role in their life.

There is forgiveness in allowing yourself to let it go and walk away.

Bottom line here is this,

You can't force anything. Timing, has no meaning if either are not ready nor willing.

Do not hold onto past actions. 

Keep moving forward.

How you treat others, is a mirror of your character, not theirs.


Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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