Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The voices in my head, Are Legendary.....

Attention! Attention!

 How are we perceived?
 Do we even care?

I have many moods to match the
 emotions of the presence I am in.

I am often the odd one out.
Seeing in Grey not 
Black 'n White.

I root for the underdog.
Pray for the forgotten.
Forgive those that do
not forgive me.

Give a million and
one chances.

Hold true to the moment I am in.

Heart breaks and none the wiser.
My pain is my pain to bare.

Most assume to know,
The Real me.

But how could that be?

I do not even know
who I should be.....

All I do know is,

The voices in my head,

Are Legendary.

And they are the only ones
that know,

the Real Me.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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