Friday, July 14, 2017

Telepathy or Coincidence????

Telepathy defined by Noun. Communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.

The other day I was driving home from work, trying to remember if I did take something out for dinner or not. I pulled into the driveway and as I am taking the keys out of the ignition, I think of a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile. I think, I will shoot them a text later, and go in the house.  Later that evening, before I get a chance to text them, I get a text from that same person!!!

It is obvious they had been thinking of me and I them. But the same day? Hmmm..

Does someone just pop in your mind, out of no where? Do you know who is calling you even before you look at your phone? Do you just call someone and realize that they needed to talk with you?

Coincidence-a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.

Coincidence or telepathy?

I asked my friend if they had been thinking of me earlier in the day? They laughed said, "how'd you know and why?" We had a long discussion about it.

We concluded that sometimes we just know things, that can't be easily explained. That there is a possibility that we are all connected someway.

It is how we perceive things. If we are open to the possibility of connections and what they bring.

That there are signs and directions everywhere for us.

What do you believe?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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