Sunday, July 23, 2017

Good Night. Sleep Well 💜💜💜

Good Evening.

These past 2 days have been so insane at work. I work with the Public and they could not be pleased, no matter how hard I tried!! So, as I am getting ready for bed, I  am mentally playing over this weekends events. I had to look up to see if it was a full moon or not. It's not.

We are in the new moon phase. New Moon.

I was thinking about it. Does the moon have an affect on us? Our behaviors? Our thoughts? Our feelings?

I slept terrible last night. Kept waking up for no apparent reason. My mind was searching for something, like I was missing something. Maybe a dream woke me up. IDK Customers were off the chain insane!! All my co-workers were ova tired, which made the days more enjoyable for sure! CLAP! CLAP!! 😉😉

What do you think? I don't really know.  What I do know is this:

New Moon, Insane customer's, interrupted sleep, silly exhaustion during the day and long work days, can certainly leave a person thinking that, yes, the moon and it's cycles has an affect upon us.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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