Thursday, July 27, 2017

See the Beauty in the Pain.....

We all have dealt with pain in our lives. Physically or emotionally, pain is pain.

I haven't met a soul who has lived a life free from pain.

We may become so accustomed to pain, that we don't know how to be without it.

"Let the bullets fly
 Let them Rain
My luck, my love, my God,
They came from

You may be of the few unfortunate ones who learned pain way too early in life. A lesson teaching us that nothing comes without pain.

Let it go. Yeah, I know easier said then done. The longer you hold on to it, the more it controls you. Your perspective on life will always come from a place of pain not peace.
And your saying, So? 

"I can handle it. I am strong enough. I have been through worse."

You might think that is a perfectly good response. Right? 

How about, "I know I am strong enough but that does not mean I should have to handle this alone or at all!"

When you let it go, your perspective on life changes. Pain makes you stronger not more deserving of more pain. 

"I am the one at the sail,
I'm the Master of My sea"

Yes, it is that simple. You are in control of what you want to control. Start small. Let some of it go. 

Don't let the pain control you anymore. Give it less of your energy. 

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Good Night. Sleep Well 💜💜💜

Good Evening.

These past 2 days have been so insane at work. I work with the Public and they could not be pleased, no matter how hard I tried!! So, as I am getting ready for bed, I  am mentally playing over this weekends events. I had to look up to see if it was a full moon or not. It's not.

We are in the new moon phase. New Moon.

I was thinking about it. Does the moon have an affect on us? Our behaviors? Our thoughts? Our feelings?

I slept terrible last night. Kept waking up for no apparent reason. My mind was searching for something, like I was missing something. Maybe a dream woke me up. IDK Customers were off the chain insane!! All my co-workers were ova tired, which made the days more enjoyable for sure! CLAP! CLAP!! 😉😉

What do you think? I don't really know.  What I do know is this:

New Moon, Insane customer's, interrupted sleep, silly exhaustion during the day and long work days, can certainly leave a person thinking that, yes, the moon and it's cycles has an affect upon us.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, July 14, 2017

Telepathy or Coincidence????

Telepathy defined by Noun. Communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.

The other day I was driving home from work, trying to remember if I did take something out for dinner or not. I pulled into the driveway and as I am taking the keys out of the ignition, I think of a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile. I think, I will shoot them a text later, and go in the house.  Later that evening, before I get a chance to text them, I get a text from that same person!!!

It is obvious they had been thinking of me and I them. But the same day? Hmmm..

Does someone just pop in your mind, out of no where? Do you know who is calling you even before you look at your phone? Do you just call someone and realize that they needed to talk with you?

Coincidence-a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.

Coincidence or telepathy?

I asked my friend if they had been thinking of me earlier in the day? They laughed said, "how'd you know and why?" We had a long discussion about it.

We concluded that sometimes we just know things, that can't be easily explained. That there is a possibility that we are all connected someway.

It is how we perceive things. If we are open to the possibility of connections and what they bring.

That there are signs and directions everywhere for us.

What do you believe?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lightning & Thunder

Quiet your mind and heart.

Place the headphones on, loud.

Hit play and close your eyes.

Who did you think of?

That is where your soul belongs.

Passion, desire, fire, heat, and pain. 

The one you want to share everything with.

You know, the one you lied to because you thought you both would be better off without each other.
Maybe you were too scared to feel that much.

Maybe that much passion scared you.

The one you still think of.

Love who sets your Soul on fire.

"Let's burn like wildfire
Be lightning and thunder
Let's hold our breath"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~