Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's the bottm of the the 3rd, with...........

I was scrolling along and this popped up in my news feed on Facebook. Life can certainly make us feel like we are New England and Life is Atlanta. The good news is, New England won!!! Sorry, just had too. (Total New England Fan here)

Life is filled with Time.  We can get so filled with doubt, worry, and other negative emotions, that we do not see that this is only for a short time. Time is always on your side. Good or Bad.  It is up to us to utilize the time we have.

I have had car issues. I had to wait until I could get it to the mechanics on my day off.  I could only drive my vehicle 20 miles an hour. So there I was creeping along. Before I knew it, there was a line behind me. I put my hazards on. A couple of cars sped around me. Can you remember the last time you drove 20 miles an hour? This little trip turned into a journey for me

There I was, going ever so slowly, I started noticing how green everything was getting. I could see kids playing outside in their yards. Then I saw the dreaded stop sign. Meaning I would have to stop. The car would not always go again after I stop. Here come the nerves, doubt and worry. I stop. The car gets going again. I can breathe again. Then it hits me!

I needed to do this little road trip for me. As much as I hate having to depend on others, I had no choice. I can be too much of an independent sort. I am a doer and a giver not a receiver. It stresses me out when I have to rely on others. I have been finagling this and that, that I have not been enjoy my time.

You see, whether we are in a good or bad cycle of life, we have time. How we choose to spend that time, is totally up to us. We can focus on the bad with worry and doubt or we can go through our time, enjoying what is around us. The end result is the going to be the same, regardless how we spend our time.

Letting go and just being, was what I needed to remind me that I was missing out on Life. Good or Bad, it is my time.

So I ask you this, "It is the bottom of the 3rd quarter, your down 25 points, and only have 2 minutes in this round, with one more quarter left, what are you going to do with your Time?"

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Monday, April 24, 2017

Sausalito, California. Circa 1982

"Random Acts of Kindness"

"It all started in a Sausalito, California, restaurant in 1982 when Anne Herbert scrawled the words "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" on a place mat. From there it spread to bumper stickers, quietly at first, but with all the powerful momentum of something important–calling us to lives of caring and compassion. Random Acts of Kindness, true stories of acts of kindness, was published in February 1993 and set off a chain reaction. Articles appeared in nearly every newspaper in the U.S., and hundreds of radio stations devoted airtime to the cause. Toward the end of 1993, a Bakersfield, California, professor gave a class assignment to do a random act of kindness–unleashing yet another flood of stories. The concept continues to spread, and we hope it will carry on until the beauty of simple kindness touches–and changes–us all."

Have you ever thought about the movement of "Random Acts of Kindness" and how it came to be?

Have you ever asked yourself this, Why do we need a movement promoting kindness in the first place?

I know people can be kind.  I can draw a side out of people that is kind, raw, and honest.  I get to see the kindness that is embedded in people, in it's truest form. 

Why do people have to be reminded to be kind to one another? Why?

They are trying to meet their needs and the needs of their family.
They are just trying to get ahead in their careers.
They are just busy going to meetings, games, and gatherings.
They are just exhausted from what their life demands of them.
They are just trying to get financial freedom.
They are just trying to live day to day.
They are too busy keeping their feelings within themselves.
They are just to busy making their life.
They are just to busy taking advantage of others.
They are just to busy scamming others.
They are just to busy wanting what others have, they will do whatever it takes to get it.

I think the world has changed. It is more of a "Out for Me and Mine" kind of world today. People willing to do anything to get what they want. People willing to stab you in the back. People trying to make your life miserable because their life is.

Bad things happen to Good people. People get scammed every day. Fraudulent activity is the norm now-a-days.

I am kind. I have been treated unkindly. People use my kindness for their own gain.

It will never stop me from being kind.

How I act reflects on me. I don't need to be reminded.


Until next time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stop with the comments already.........

"5 yr old child dies at an Atlanta restaurant."

There was this horrific accident, involving a child, at a rotating restaurant in Atlanta, on 4/14/17. The child died from his injuries.

I am not sure why when there is a tragic accident involving kids, some people feel the need to just blame the whole thing on the parents/guardians.  Getting up on their high horse and cast their judgments.  Giving the holier than thou opinion, as if they know what really happened.

I am a mother of four kids. I get how kids can be. How sometimes I wished for octopus limbs when they were young. No matter how good of a parent you are, kids will always be kids.

There were multiple comments on Facebook blaming the parents. I might be old, but manners and kindness do not have an age limit. I am not sure why people think that casting their opinion would even matter?

How do you know what happened if you were not there? Why assume that the child was not watched properly? What if they were looking at the menu? What if they were paying the bill? What if they were getting up to leave? What if he wanted to look out the window and the parents watched him walk over to the window and then see the horrific accident unfold right before their eyes?

One of my kids has Scoliosis. They were 8 when the doctor discovered it and it was at a severe curve. A few people would ask how I didn't catch it earlier? How could I not discover it when it first started? I got the implication they were giving me. I would just say nothing in response out of fear of allowing my guilt to be seen.

You see it doesn't matter that I never saw my child, at 8 years old, naked. It doesn't matter that when I hugged my child, I would hug them around their waist. It doesn't matter that what was going on inside their body was much worse than what was showing on the outside. But hey, thanks for blaming me anyways. Some still wonder, while I have become a recluse....

Parents put an immense amount of self blame, doubt, and guilt on themselves already. Regardless if it is justified or not. They do not need your condescending pointing finger bullshit comments.

When Baby Jessica fell down a well,(1987) at 18 months old, for 58 hours, I remember people praying and being positive. The majority was accepting of the fact that accidents just happened, even bad ones. Negative thoughts were not spoken out loud. Unlike, today.

Perhaps, one should go by the old saying:

Until next time,
~It is what it is~