Monday, June 29, 2020

Are you O.K. with you???

I am riding home, with my sister, daughter and her friend, from the beach.

We all had a great time but...

A jelleyfish swam past my leg and I mean against it.  Not once, but twice. I got a rash, swelling, and all.  Pain like !@#$% but I didn't let it stop me from getting back in the water.

We had lunch at one of those undercover patio places that they have at the beach. My legs got attack by some black flies that bite. And bite me, they did.

Of course, during all this happening to me, during this 100* sunny day at the beach, I forgot to reapply the sunscreen. Yep, I sure did not reapply the sunscreen.

I do not have a car charger for my phone. Yep, my phone died. We had to stop and buy one. I've had my phone for a year and a half. Never needed it til today.

Currently, my sister is driving. I hear the girls in the back seat laughing. They have already asked when we can go back to the beach.

The day was definitely filled with obstacles for me, but I did not let it ruin our impromptu trip to the beach.

I have accepted that my life can be filled with obstacles and plenty of reasons why I should give up sometimes.

Today, I was reminded, painfully, of this simple fact;

I am and will always be a hot mess and I am wickedly O.K. with that.

Are you O.K. with who you are and forever will be???

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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