Friday, May 8, 2020

The Choice Is Yours........

~Same Old Shit~

Go to work. Come home. 
Bills. Not enough time in a day. Life Stresses.
Sleep. Repeat.

~I Am What I Am~

I hate people. They hate me.
I am Happy being Miserable.
Numb to what's going on around me.

~I Can't Change~

 I complain when things don't go my way.
I want things to go back to the way they were.
I live in the past.
I like there.

~I Got No Shame~

I will disappoint you at some point.
I will focus on me, Not you.
I am Me, not you.

Strike a nerve did I? Know someone like this?

I don't believe you get what you give.  Life doesn't always work out that way.

The choices you make determine where you end up in life.

Don't like your outcome? Make a different choice.

Forgive. Apologize. Move on.

Believe you can't change, than you won't.

Life keep dealing you the same hand? It. Is. You.

The Choice has always been up to you.

Stay the course or Change it.

Totally up to you.

Stop blaming life.

Own it.

Until Next Time,
~It Is What It Is~

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