Monday, June 29, 2020

Are you O.K. with you???

I am riding home, with my sister, daughter and her friend, from the beach.

We all had a great time but...

A jelleyfish swam past my leg and I mean against it.  Not once, but twice. I got a rash, swelling, and all.  Pain like !@#$% but I didn't let it stop me from getting back in the water.

We had lunch at one of those undercover patio places that they have at the beach. My legs got attack by some black flies that bite. And bite me, they did.

Of course, during all this happening to me, during this 100* sunny day at the beach, I forgot to reapply the sunscreen. Yep, I sure did not reapply the sunscreen.

I do not have a car charger for my phone. Yep, my phone died. We had to stop and buy one. I've had my phone for a year and a half. Never needed it til today.

Currently, my sister is driving. I hear the girls in the back seat laughing. They have already asked when we can go back to the beach.

The day was definitely filled with obstacles for me, but I did not let it ruin our impromptu trip to the beach.

I have accepted that my life can be filled with obstacles and plenty of reasons why I should give up sometimes.

Today, I was reminded, painfully, of this simple fact;

I am and will always be a hot mess and I am wickedly O.K. with that.

Are you O.K. with who you are and forever will be???

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Choice Is Yours........

~Same Old Shit~

Go to work. Come home. 
Bills. Not enough time in a day. Life Stresses.
Sleep. Repeat.

~I Am What I Am~

I hate people. They hate me.
I am Happy being Miserable.
Numb to what's going on around me.

~I Can't Change~

 I complain when things don't go my way.
I want things to go back to the way they were.
I live in the past.
I like there.

~I Got No Shame~

I will disappoint you at some point.
I will focus on me, Not you.
I am Me, not you.

Strike a nerve did I? Know someone like this?

I don't believe you get what you give.  Life doesn't always work out that way.

The choices you make determine where you end up in life.

Don't like your outcome? Make a different choice.

Forgive. Apologize. Move on.

Believe you can't change, than you won't.

Life keep dealing you the same hand? It. Is. You.

The Choice has always been up to you.

Stay the course or Change it.

Totally up to you.

Stop blaming life.

Own it.

Until Next Time,
~It Is What It Is~

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Soul still knows...........................


Deep connection.

Soul's knowing.

The bond.

The completion.

The breaking inside.

A piece missing, forever.

Darkness consumes the soul.

Life resumes.

but the soul still knows.


 Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I missed it....😔

I am fortunate enough to be working in a grocery store during this time of uncertainty. I do appreciate being able to work and I have been working long ass days.

I needed food, like everyone else, and decided to grab a few things before heading home for the night.

I grabbed grape flavored Crystal Light for the kids. I didn't read the label. Just reached for it, threw it in the cart and moved on to the next item.

It wasn't until today, when my son was looking for something to drink, that he discovered the words, "with Caffeine" on the label. My son was like, "Whoa, when did you start buying this?"

I was surprised. I didn't pay attention. I was tired. I have bought this product before. Why would I think it would change?

Trust. I trusted that the product wouldn't change. I didn't notice when it did but it did. I get it, my fault for not reading the package. I was blah blah.

It got me thinking.....

How many times have I been mislead by a slight unnoticeable change? How often have I been distracted by life, that I missed something? Something that I wouldn't like?


What a perfect way to manipulate someone. What a perfect way to try to control the outcome of something.

Spring 2009, Swine Flu created, a sickness that pigs get. Later renamed, H1N1.
100 Million Americans infected. 75,000 died from it. 936,000 hospitalized.
CDC estimates. Google it, I did.

Did we close cities, states or countries during that outbreak? Did we mandate a quarantine? Did companies close doors?

Answer to that is, NO.

Something bigger is going on here. It seems impossible to think otherwise when you research past illnesses and facts.

So, why is this one bringing on such a pandemic?

What are we missing here?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Today is 2/20/2020. It has been raining on and off all week here in South Carolina.  I think we had one or two really beautiful days, and one day of snow, in the past 2 weeks. 

This photo was taken today, around 4:30pm.  Can you see the snow? It is about 34*.

Did I mention that it is February? That I live in South Carolina? That we should be experiencing SPRING like weather daily? Daytime highs of 50*-60*??? Where did they go? 

Mother Nature has no clue what season she should be in right now and it shows!! She must be going through something...

What if we are living in Winter but we feel like Summer? What happens to us then? 

Do we become cranky? Irrational? Throw tantrums?  Have no clue as to what is going on around us??

Sound familiar? 

Mother Nature can't get her season's in order, how can we be in order?

Some thrive on the chaos of life, other's need order to thrive.

We all need to be centered, on the inside, to function like we know we are right with the world.

I think we are meant to go through these "disturbances", to shake us up a bit.

To be renewed with the knowledge of getting ready for the next season.

What do you need to....

Let go of?
Reconnect with?

Once we figure that out, maybe we can embrace the next season of our lives.

Take these unexpected disturbances and deal with them head on. 

Who knows what the outcome will be.

What I do know is,

When the season ends, the next season, will be better than the last.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~