Friday, April 6, 2018

Yes, I am insane but I can laugh about it!!!!

Have you ever been so tired but it is only the beginning of the week, and the week is filled with work, appointments, and no time to yourself?

Yeah, this has been my kinda week and it isn't over yet. I think I will actually have a true day off (no place to be with nothing to do) in May!!

I was driving home from work earlier and my mind would not stop. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I never turned the radio on! I was in my head, THE ENTIRE RIDE HOME! 30 minutes.
It made me think of this book. It is a great book! I loved reading it to my kids when they were younger. I also thought it applied to me today:

"When you are overtired this is how your mind works"

I got into my car, turned the ignition on, buckled up, and off I went. I decided to take the back roads to avoid the Friday night highway traffic. I passed an elementary school and thought about my kids. I do not have any kids in elementary any more. Time certainly flies by. We have lived here 10 years! 10 years!! Damn. I kinda miss the snow but only the fun stuff to do in the snow, not the cleaning off the cars part, shoveling, scrapping ice off, etc. I wonder if I still have my snow brush? Is it in this car or is it still in the van? Hmm..The accident. I am almost done with physical therapy. Woohoo to me!! A couple of more weeks. There is only about 7 weeks of school left and then summer! The beach! Cannot wait. I made plans with one of my bff's to get together with the kids to go swimming. I need to make sure that happens! I haven't had a vacation....since I do not remember the last time. When was the last time I had a vacation? No wonder I can't sleep, I need a vacation! Oh I need to call so 'n so. It has been a long time since I made a trip up there. I have turned into a bad friend. I have to make a few calls. I have become such a recluse! Why is that familiar? I need a road trip. Which reminds me, I haven't checked the oil in this car and I need too. Look at all that pollen. I need to go through the car wash. Wash. I need to wash my work clothes tonight. 3 more days of work. I can do this. I have two appointments for my 1st day off and two on my 2nd day off. Not all for me but it looks like it will be the same thing next week. I am hungry. I need to go food shopping. The kids said we have nothing to eat at all. I am not entirely sure they are wrong. My kids. I smile. I  can do this. I turned the car off, unbuckled, and off I went.

And that was probably only a 1/4 of what ran through my mind!!! It is just a cycle, I know. Don't we all go through them? Do what we have to do, get it done and then we forget about having time for ourselves?

No worries. It is temporary. You just need to remind yourself to stop. For a moment. Make plans to do something fun. Mark it down or put it in your phone. Make it important and follow through with it. 

Or you just may end up like the mouse in the book, being distracted by everything around you. Or even worse,

You will end up driving home, without the radio on, in your head, having an insane conversation with yourself!!!

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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