Thursday, July 29, 2021

Watering flowers at night...

It's been a wicked busy month for me.  Work has its challenges, home life has been totally one thing after another, and it's all doable, just chaotic. 

Typical me,  9:30pm this evening, I was watering my garden, had to use my phones flashlight, and I noticed that my marigolds are huge! Like, that's my rose bush behind it, huge. 

It's been a while since I really got a good look at them. It got me thinking about what else have I not been paying attention to? What else is growing without me noticing? What else am I taking for granted?

The thing about this life of ours is, it goes by so damn quick.  

Tonight is just a reminder, for me, to slow down and pay attention to what I haven't been noticing lately.

If I don't, then life will just continue on..

(That friend I meant to call.

That thing I never filled out.

That book I bought but never read.


With or without me.

Until Next Time,

~It is what it is~

Monday, July 26, 2021

Note To Self:


It is said that, Life is free will.

It is said that, Life is what you make out of it.

It is said that, Life is driven by Fate.

It is said that, Life is what you put out and then that returns to you.

There are many more beliefs out there, but you get the picture, right?

I say, that life is all of the above. 

What you believe works for you.

But, what if you do not know what to believe in or even who?

What if the very thing you thought, was the right thing to believe in or do, turns out to be the one thing stressing you out to the max?

What then?

That may be way to dramatic for you.

Sometimes distance gives us a better perspective.

We may find out that we can hear our inner voice again.

Remove the stress, even for just a little while, and see what happens.

Isn't it time to put yourself first?

Until Next Time,

~It is what it is~