Friday, May 17, 2019

How much color does your tree have????

I love this picture. I compare it to us as humans.

We are planted/born into this life that we have no other option but to grow into it.

We are filled with choices and the consequences of them throughout our life.

We need the soil, that we are planted in, to be fertilized and watered by our experiences.

We have to learn how to prune ourselves correctly in order to grow tall and strong or we will wither and die.

The pruning stage is so hard. We have to make mistakes sometimes in order to learn from them.

That's where the colors come into play. We aren't fated to be made of one single color but of many.

All of our experiences lead up to our maturity, not seen in a number but rather, as a strong, sturdy, mature person/tree.

So, my question to you is this;

How much color does your tree have?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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