Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 is ending.........

I am sure there are a few of you that can agree to that statement.

I also realize that there is nothing we can do about it. What is done is done. No amount of wishing can change it.

So, why cry or pout about it? Let's leave the problems in the past but keep the lessons.

If I wronged you, It wasn't intentional. I was just wrapped up in my own stuff, I am sorry.

If you wronged me, lesson learned. I am over it.

If we don't talk any longer, I do wish you well. I have let it go.

I am certain 2019 will bring its fair share of problems, but I will not let it bring me down, I will let it shape me to be a better me.

Yeah, that last sentence was a bit much, even for me. Lol

I did learn. I am in a constant state of learning. We all are. So how about this instead?

We are human, we will continue to make mistakes, and we will learn from them. We may even be able to look back on the years problems and say, "I am different and realize what is worth keeping and what to let go of."

But 2019, I am tired of learning..........

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

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