Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This was my lunch today.

Yes, I said, lunch. No salad or water. Just plain old chocolate, coffee, and more chocolate.

Let me tell you something, it was delicious!!

I was out n about, running errands in the downtown part of the city, stopped at this chill spot and indulged myself.

I remembered something today. That in a health conscious society, we often guilt ourselves into making the "healthy" choice.

I will always be somewhat unhealthy.

I will always push to be the strongest and healthiest version I can be but that looks different on me, than on anyone else.

That sometimes I do get caught up in how I look.

I know that my physical appearance doesn't matter to anyone who truly loves me.

The only person who I have to answer to, is me.

If I want a slice of chocolate cake and a milk shake for lunch I will and with no guilt at all.

And you should too.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~

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