Friday, October 26, 2018

Trust. The. Wait.

While we work on changing ourselves, we have to wait until the change is complete before becoming who we want to become.

When we wait for someone to make a decision about being in our life, we have to wait for them.

When we want something that we can't have immediately, we have to wait until we can have it.

When we are waiting for news, that will change our lives, we have to wait until we hear it.

We find our voice or we learn to quiet our sound.

Everyone always says, you are learning, trust the wait.

Waiting sucks. Period. Regardless,what it is we are waiting for, it sucks. Good or bad.

The mind needs to be distracted. The hurt needs to be healed. The excitement needs to be quieted. The practice needs to be practiced.

Sometimes, we can learn things about those who we are waiting on and ourselves.

How you act while you wait. How they treat you while you wait.

How you receive the news. How the news is delivered.

Who we want to turn to while waiting. Who is there for us while we wait.

During the wait we grow stronger.

We learn who is truly there for us.

We gain perspective.

We learn to be quiet.

We learn to scream.

We learn to heal.

We learn how to do all those things,

 we never thought we could.

Trust. The. Wait.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Friday, October 12, 2018

Why or Why Not?

Do you ever wonder why?

Why do you live?

Why do you love?

Why do you want?

Why do you keep secrets?

Why do you hide in plain sight?

Why do you hurt?

Why do you need an answer?

Why not just love?

Why not just bare it all?

Why not feel the pain?

Why not just let it go?

Why not be free?

Why not just accept?

Why not be happy?

Too many Why's and not enough,

Why Not?

The way you answer, your why,

will allow you to grow or,

stop you altogether.

So, what's it going to be for you?



Why Not?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This was my lunch today.

Yes, I said, lunch. No salad or water. Just plain old chocolate, coffee, and more chocolate.

Let me tell you something, it was delicious!!

I was out n about, running errands in the downtown part of the city, stopped at this chill spot and indulged myself.

I remembered something today. That in a health conscious society, we often guilt ourselves into making the "healthy" choice.

I will always be somewhat unhealthy.

I will always push to be the strongest and healthiest version I can be but that looks different on me, than on anyone else.

That sometimes I do get caught up in how I look.

I know that my physical appearance doesn't matter to anyone who truly loves me.

The only person who I have to answer to, is me.

If I want a slice of chocolate cake and a milk shake for lunch I will and with no guilt at all.

And you should too.

Until next time,
~It is what it is~