Tuesday, September 25, 2018

I Gave Up.....

I gave more than I wanted with the sole purpose of being kind.

Kindness became my weakness.

My weakness became my stupidity.

My stupidity allowed me to become broken.

My brokenness allowed me to become stubborn.

My stubbornness was a coverup for my pain.

My pain justifies me becoming angry.

In my anger, I have built an enormous thick wall around myself.

This wall protects me from everyone.

Everyone stays away.

So, I just gave up.

Every person has a story for acting the way that they do.

If you decide not to spend the time breaking down the wall, can you blame them for having the wall in the first place?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Did you do everything you could??

I love my kids, wholeheartedly.

I go without many times, so that they can have.

I don't think I am an exception, we all do without for our kids.

They are such a wonderful experience until they get on my last nerve.

Yes, I said it. I feel it. I know.

I had an unfortunate series of events happen today. What should have been an hours drive turned into a 3hr drive.

Why? Because my adult child was driving, my vehicle, and did not listen to me.

He was so sure of himself to be bothered with my directions. We bickered and then I put the seat back and took a nap.

Yes, I did. In that moment, I realized I could of been the dolly lama and he still wouldn't listen.

So, I reclined and closed my eyes. He got us into this and he will get us out.

And he did.

I learned three things today:

1) The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.
2) I do not need to speak to teach a lesson.
3) I was just like him at that age and still can be.

It is easy to want to take over when things do not go our way.

It was something that I needed to be reminded of.

Regardless, if it's our kids or something else, when we truly let it go and see what happens, it all works out as it should, if we:

Give it our all.

Check our own behavior and perspective.

Realize, that we can do nothing else.

Then, just let it go and let it be.

It always works out how it should.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I am just living upside down....

In a world that judges beauty and light,

I am filled with Shadows and Darkness.

Joy, happiness, peace, and love, are words that I will never use.

Sadness, emptiness, darkness, and hollow, are the words that have power over me.

Racing thoughts of, what ifs, why me, and when will my mind stop, consume me.

I lost the biggest piece of my soul the last time I truly loved someone.

Now, my soul just aches.

It is the way that, I know I am alive.

~I am just living, upside down.~

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tell me......

Hunter: Well, you hold the line.

Prey: When every one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me.

Hunter: Just another product of today.

Prey: Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it.

Hunter: Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me.

Prey: Let me see the light within the dark trees' shadow.

Hunter: What's Happenin?

Prey: A bit of the truth, the truth.

Hunter: Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading.

Prey: You gotta be so cold.

Hunter: Yeah, you're a natural.

Prey: Rather be the hunter than the prey.

Hunter: To make it in this world.

Prey: Living your life cutthroat.

Hunter: You gotta be so cold.

Prey: I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear.

Hunter: looking through the glass, find the wrong within the past knowin'.

Prey: That's the price you pay.

Hunter: Gonna Make It?

Prey: I'm gonna make it.

Prey: This house of mine stands strong.

Hunter: Yeah, you're a natural.

Tell me who are you in this story?

  • The Hunter or The Prey?

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~


*I do not own this rights to this song, video, or lyrics*