Wednesday, November 28, 2018

That is enough....

You can't always save everyone.

The hardest thing is to realize that you cannot do anymore than you already have.

Sometimes, we are just the person they needed in their moment of need.

We have to accept that and move on.

We can only give what we have to give of ourselves. Once it starts to drain us, we must let go, know we did everything we could, and stop.

We don't stop caring, we just stop trying.

Life is filled with moments of meeting people who helped us become better than we were before knowing them.

We may not always be a part of them being better and that is OKAY.

It is always better to give all that we have to someone, than to look back and wish we had tried harder.

Be at peace with knowing,

that it was enough.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Do you even know??

Gossip. Back Stabbing. Lies. Rumors.

It happens. There is not a damn thing you can do about it.

You can't stop it. You can't change it.

Let the haters, hate.

You may not even know anything about it until, you hear something accidentally or a friend tells you about it.

But when a friend tells you about it, did they defend you or chime right in?

Do you even know?

Some people enjoy misery and misery loves company.

Our friends will speak of us in our absence, it is human nature.

What they say is what matters, not what the haters have to say.

Until Next Time,
~It is what it is~