Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My answer is, Yes, I believe so......

A couple close to me, who I have known a wicked long time, bought a second home in New England.

They spent some time in this house fixing it up. The purpose, to rent it out as a vacation home. One evening, the wife, was in the living room and saw an old lady floating about in the corner of the room. She also had a problem with the TV.  Staying calm, she went about her evening.

Fast forward to their daughter's visit with their grandchildren. The youngest child asked her mom who the old lady was? She told her mom that she said hi to her and she said hi back.

Current year. They rented out their house for the summer to a couple with kids. They recently received a phone call from the renters... Yes, they called to them know that their kids have been seeing a ghost. An old lady.

I remember the wife telling me about seeing the ghost. I accepted it. We talked about it and moved on.

We both believe that our lives do not end with our death but it was a theory or a belief that there is more to this world we live in.

I was telling my kids about it and I had a scary realization: I know people who have seen a ghost! It is no longer a theory or a belief, it is a fact. A Fact!!!

One of my son's said, "So, if this ghost came in peace, by causing no trouble, then that means there is a good place and that must mean there is a bad place. It is real."

I am stating facts. The Fact that more than one person saw the same ghost. A fact.

Kids are open minded because they have not experienced enough to know not to always take things as they are. We gain skepticism as we experience life. Some of those life experiences, show us that there is more to this life than we know or want to believe. But, in our own skepticism, we choose not to see the most simplest of facts.

All of this lead me to this:

If we all kept a childlike perspective, as we grew into adulthood, and just accepted the facts that life has to offer us, without doubt or skepticism, would our lives be any different?

Until next time,
~It is what it is~